One of the best benefits of living in a college town is the large selection of things to see and do for free. In Athens, GA there is always a concert, art exhibit, or weekend festival to check out. Bored and low on cash this summer? Each week this blog will highlight one fun freebie sure to keep you entertained and out of the red!
First up, free
Classic City tours are being offered in conjunction with National Tourism Week. You can choose between the Museum Mile or Athens Heritage Tour.

The Museum Mile tour is a two hour tour of Athens’ four unique house museums. In each house, you will see a different era of Athens history, from the 1820 Church-Waddel-Brumby House, to the 1840s Taylor-Grady House, and the 1850s Ware-Lyndon and T.R.R. Cobb Houses. Catch the tour for free on Wednesday, May 13 or Friday, May 15 at 10:30 a.m.

The Athens Heritage Tour covers 200 years of history in a 1.5-hour bus tour: from Athens' downtown to its historic homes and neighborhoods to the University of Georgia. Your tour will begin in the oldest house in Athens and you will see the world’s only double barrel canon. The Athens Heritage Tour is offered Wednesday, May 13 and Friday, May 15 at 2 p.m.
For more information on these tours as well as other tours offered in Athens, visit the
Athens Welcome Center.
Do you know a fun, free event or activity going on in Athens this summer? Please share below!
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